On Reflection

Symmetry is inherently pleasing to the human eye and a fundamental building block of the natural world. Repeating designs and replicated patterns are everywhere, from the structure of a leaf, a butterfly’s wings, to the microscopic fractals of a single snowflake.

As humans we unconsciously mirror each other to ease social interaction and seek out patterns to make sense of the world around us. Think Rorschach’s inkblots, reading the tea leaves, or finding shapes within the clouds.

Perhaps equally appealing, is the notion of the inverse, the flipside, the distorted mirror image, the evil twin or the Upside Down. Reflections that reveal something new or hidden on the other side; shattered mirrors that give a new perspective, perhaps distilling the essence of an image or thought in a surprising and thought- provoking way. On Reflection is a series of works which examine the perfection and imperfection of a repeated image or motif.


70 x 100cm, Acrylic on linen

Upside Down and Inside Out

40 x 50cm, Acrylic on Canvas


70 x 100cm, Acrylic on linen