Artist Bio

Elle is a Cambridge graduate and self-taught artist working in London.

After an eclectic series of careers spanning Westminster politics, high profile PR and clinical hypnotherapy, in 2022, Elle returned full-time to her lifelong passion of creating art. Working mainly as a painter in acrylics and oils, she also dabbles in ceramics and fibre art, utilising whichever form feels most appropriate for her subject.

With a passion for colour, light and physical abstraction, Elle is drawn to water and mirrors for inspiration. Often using neon brights and geometric shapes to shatter, obscure or dazzle the viewer’s gaze, her pieces are immersive and enveloping, providing windows onto heightened realities both real and imagined.

The cycle of seasons, womanhood, aging, vanity and protest are all themes that preoccupy Elle. Her often dream-like pieces offer glimpses of fleeting bittersweet moments in time, depicting half-memories, or whistful fantasies of paths not taken.

Elle exhibited as part of the Art-C group show ‘Balance’ in London, August 2023, and Voting Schmoting at the Inky Fingers Gallery in March 2024. She will be at the Urban Art Fair in July 2024 and Roy’s Art Fair in September 2024.

Contact for commissions.